Training Series Details
Series Title: BBS Series- Human Sexuality: Assessing, Educating and Intervening with Youth and Their Caretakers to Develop or Regain a Healthy Sense of Sexuality Throughout the Lifespan (2-Day)– 10 CE Credits
Availability: Employees and Eligible Participants
Available spaces: 10
Classes in Series:

3/3/2022 9:00 AM-3:00 PM
Webinar - refer to the class description section for more information about how to participate.
[ Online ]
[ Online ], CA 94618

3/4/2022 9:00 AM-3:00 PM
Webinar - refer to the class description section for more information about how to participate.
[ Online ]
[ Online ], CA 94618
Trainers: Rachel Michaelsen
Series Description:

BBS Series- Human Sexuality: Assessing, Educating and Intervening with Youth and Their Caretakers to Develop or Regain a Healthy Sense of Sexuality Throughout the Lifespan (2-Day)– 10 CE Credits 


Promoting health and satisfying sexuality starts with attitudes and age appropriate education. Many system involved youth have had negative sexual experience which may impact their sexuality throughout their lifespan. In this course learn to understand, identify and talk about sex and sexuality with youth, caregivers, family members and school staff. Topics to be covered include: anatomy and physiology, sexual identity, sexual diversity, cultural considerations, STDs, birth control, menstruation, sexual functioning, sexual dysfunctions and disorders, sexual consent, healthy relationships, and sex therapy, This course meets the pre-licensure requirements for Human Sexuality, 10 hours, for individuals applying for a license with the Board of Behavioral Sciences.

Educational Objectives Day 1:

  • Describe 2 ways male and female reproductive anatomy or physiology differ r
  • Describe at least 4 types of birth control
  • Describe the symptoms and treatment methods for at least 4 STDs


Educational Objectives Day 2:

  • Explain 3 examples of healthy and unhealthy sexual functioning
  • Define at least 2 elements of a healthy relationships
  • Explain what constitutes sexual consent


Trainer Bio:

Rachel Michaelsen, LCSW, is a clinical social worker who has worked in HMOs, public agencies, and private practice as both a mental-health provider and a supervisor for more than twenty-five years. She has taught courses in Human Sexuality, diagnoses, clinical supervision, law and ethics, childhood psychopathology, vicarious traumatization and energy psychology at universities, conferences, and mental-health agencies


Intended For: Social Work and Mental Health Providers Serving Dependent Youth



You must work with dependent (foster& probation) youth in Alameda, Contra Costa, San Francisco, Solano, or Monterey County in order to attend our trainings. Trainings are free for those eligible to attend.



Course meets the qualifications for 10 continuing education credits for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and/or LEPs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences. Seneca Family of Agencies is approved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists to sponsor continuing education for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and/or LEPs. Seneca Family of Agencies maintains responsibility for this program/course and its content. Provided by Seneca Family of Agencies, Provider #135057.  

There will be four 15-minute breaks, and a one-hour lunch break that do not count toward continuing education credit.

We will be unable to provide attendees with certificates of completion if

more than 15 minutes of each course content is missed.  



• You must sign IN& OUT before you leave. 

• You must fully complete SENECA CAMFT evaluations, before leaving your training, with your full name legibly written.



Completion Certificates can be obtained by emailing:



All registered participants must cancel 48 hours in advance, if no longer

able to attend. Cancellation can be done electronically through

registration confirmation email or by calling:

Seneca Family of Agencies - Training Department at (510) 654-4004 x2244 or


If you would like to report a grievance, please contact in writing:

Seneca Institute for Advanced Practice

8945 Golf Links Road, Oakland, CA 94605

(510) 654-4004 x2244


In accordance with California Civil Code Section 54.1 any disabled person who may require accommodations (transportation) to participate in any trainings or events, please contact the Training Department at 510-654-4004 at least 5 days in advance of the event.

You must work with (foster or probation) youth in Alameda, Solano, San Francisco, Contra Costa or Monterey County in order to attend training. Trainings are free for those eligible to attend.

 Trainings provided by Seneca Family of Agencies, in partnership with Chabot-Las Positas Community College District and the Counties of Alameda, Contra Costa, and Solano. Trainings in Monterey provided in partnership with Hartnell College and Monterey County. Funding provided through Title IV-E.