Training Summary: Provide
a couple sentences summary (content
themes/training techniques, and how this training is relevant to working with
children who live in out of home care)
This training welcomes
participants to define, identify, and discuss
microaggressions and how they can impact the overall well-being of people who
are at the receiving end of them, especially within therapeutic relationships.
As microaggressions are defined as “hidden messages” that “target persons based
solely upon their marginalized group membership” (Sue, 2010), it is crucial for
them to be uncovered in order to
interrupt the perpetuation of negative impact they have on those targeted.
Participants will learn how to recognize and work through the process of
interrupting microaggressions in order to
support the establishment of culturally sensitive and emotionally safe
relationships in their direct care with youth and families.
Class Objectives: (what knowledge, ideas or skills will
participants explore, learn, practice, etc during the training) Provide at
least 3 class objectives.
Participants will be able to identify and define microaggressions and how they
impact others who experience them.
will be able to distinguish the impact of microaggressions versus the intent of
those displaying them.
will obtain and practice strategies on addressing, responding to and
interrupting microaggressions as a target or as a witness to them, with a focus
on professional relationships with youth and families.
can participants utilize their new skills and knowledge after the training to
reinforce their learning? (provide at least 2 transfer of learning strategies)
1. Participants will
be able to identify
when and how the type of microaggression is occurring in
order to address and redirect the harmful
language with others who are a part of the experience.?
Participants will be able to facilitate
conversations with youth to help empower them to define, address and challenge
microaggressions that they may be subjected to or engaged in