Training Class Details
Class Title: Verbal First Aid: Using Words to Calm Crisis Situations and Promote Wellbeing [MONTEREY COUNTY CAREGIVERS ONLY]
Class Date: Tuesday, March 28, 2023
Class Time: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Availability: Employees and Eligible Participants
Available spaces: 9
Class Location: Webinar - refer to the class description section for more information about how to participate.
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[ Online ], CA 94618
Class Trainers: Rachel Michaelsen
Class Description:

Verbal First Aid: Using Words to Calm Crisis Situations and Promote Well Being for Monterey County Caregivers*

*Foster/resource parents, adoptive parents, legal guardians, relative caregivers


Training Summary: 

How we first approach others after stressful and threatening experiences can have an impact on long-term well-being. Learn strategies that communicate hope and healing via a technique called verbal first aid. Caregivers will learn strategies for specific situations (after an accident, when feeling fearful, anxious or depressed) and have a chance to practice them.


Class Objectives: (what knowledge, ideas or skills will participants explore, learn, and practice etc. during the training) 


Participants will:

·        Identify 3 situations when they could use verbal first aid with the youth they care for

·        Explain how Verbal First Aid helps people handle difficult or crisis situations

·     Implement three or more Verbal First Aid techniques in interactions with the youth they care for

How can participants utilize their new skills and knowledge after the training to reinforce their learning?

·        They can integrate different Verbal First Aid Techniques in their conversations with the youth they care for

·        Think about potential future situation in which they might want to use Verbal First Aid and determine which technique would work in that situation.